
Automatonophobia can be loosely defined as the fear of wax figures, humanoid robots, sound, animatronics or other figures to represent people. Only rarely fear becomes a phobia in itself, but it is quite common to have some hesitation or nerves by comparing these figures.

Causes of Automatonophobia

It is currently unknown exactly what causes this phobia. It may be due in part to our own expectations on the innate human behavior. We tend to distrust people who stare blank, remain calm and act in ways that we do not consider "normal." About programmed to move, or simply stationary machines look, but do not behave like humans.

In addition, the level of production varies from figure to figure. Today, most of them seem incredibly realistic, but you look more closely, they are a bit "off." Smooth skin, perfect, hollow eyes and other qualities shared by the machines, but are not human bodies.

Car designers are of course aware of the limitations of their work. So many of the figures shows that the lighting has been designed to minimize control. It may be a dim light, spotlights and other effects that could be considered "creepy" even more fear-causing impact.

Automatonophobia is often considered maskaphobia linked to, or fear of masks. Pediophobia, or fear of dolls is a subset of automatonophobia. These concerns are believed to have the same causes and origins.

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